Cornes Residential Landscape
Orza Paisajismo

Short description
Cornes is a residential complex, consisting of three buildings and 125 dwellings, located in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) near the city center. The project provides two remarkable opportunities: the value that the promoter and the architects give to the landscape and the proximity to the most important ecological corridor of the city, formed by the Sar River.
The green areas are conceived in this project as service providers, directly related to the quality of life. The birdsong, the smells, and the views of nature improve the health of the neighbors and relax their minds. Vegetation mitigates noise and improves air quality, an important amenity due to the proximity of traffic routes.
In addition, to reinforce these services and integration, the existing retaining wall facing the roads is covered with climbing plants. The garden regulates temperature and humidity; the corridor configuration favors air circulation; the diversity of species ensures better adaptation and resilience to climate change.
The selection of locally produced plants, adapted to the climate, rustic, with low requirements. The planting design was focused on the creation of equilibrium and colonizing the soil. And to the efficient irrigation system, which uses the necessary amount of water every day. Special attention has been paid to diversity, not only of species, but also to the use of different ages within a species, and the creation of different strata and heights that occupy the ground with high densities emulating a mature plant formation, a balanced ecosystem.
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