Tom Man

Short description
Daejo is a series of modern wooden stools motivated by the will to deepen our relationship with the objects that surround us.
The objects that fill our everyday lives are our constant companions. As such, they should be made with care and built to last, treated with respect and even affection.
They should be things of beauty as the philosopher Soetsu Yanagi writes in his book “The Beauty of Everyday Things”, 2019.
In order to embody those ideas on everyday objects, the series focus on the stool, a well known ancient furniture that have history and function as an inseparable object of our lives.
Daejo contains different elements of contrast in each stool which its rule is to empower the beauty of creation.
Along with ergonomic exams, the design focus on the visual elements (shapes, composition, material) to induce emotions in users.
The design meant to attract users, evoke delightful emotions and provide different emotional experiences.
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