Creek Harbour Mosque
JT + Partners
Project description
As part of an international competition, the Dubai Creek Harbour Mosque calls for an iconic design to be the feature public building in the new district. Due to the site location facing the creek harbour and the function of the development as a holy place, a radical design approach was required to bring both visitors and worshippers to function in complete harmony, without affecting one another. A floating rectangular volume sits on a hill like form which will act as a sculptural prayer facility overlooking the creek harbour and allowing visitors to freely circulate underneath it, creating a strong visual axis. Visitors will also be able to access the roof of the Mosque via a sculptural ramp that spirals up around the building leading to a viewing platform. This increased accessibility creates an oasis-like effect that emphasizes the notion of the Mosque as a communal space. The roof area also serves the functional purpose of allowing more space for people to pray during Friday prayers or other high traffic seasons such as the holy month of Ramadan and the two Eid’s. The skin of the building is made of see-through concrete material that looks opaque during the day time and will light up at night through interior light coming through its engraved Islamic pattern. The Creek Harbour Mosque will be a feature iconic sculpture in Dubai that would attract visitors and worshippers from all around the world.
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